Abolish Police, ICE, and Prisons have become more popular demands in recent years but abolition is a movement with a long history. From Black abolitionists who fought and resisted slavery in a variety of ways to prison abolitionists and advocates of abolition democracy today, abolition has been a longstanding movement. With more mainstream coverage, though, comes cooptation into reformist goals. We must remain steadfast in our commitment to ending policing and imprisonment and to building the alternatives for healthy and dignified lives for our communities. (This list is adapted from abolitionistfutures.com) Pieces that are bolded are those we recommend you start out with.
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‘Police “Reforms” You Should Always Oppose’ by Mariame Kaba
Reformist Reforms vs Abolitionist Steps in Policing Critical Resistance
Statement on Gender Violence and the Prison Industrial Complex

If They Come in the Morning… Voices of Resistance by Angela Davis
Videos & Podcasts
Rustbelt Abolition Radio: Native Resistance And The Carceral StateRustbelt Abolition Radio: Native Resistance And The Carceral State
Abolition & COVID-19 w/ Nicolás Cruz, Mohamed Shehk, Emmy Rakete, Ruth Wilson Gilmore